Web Designing Course in Meerut

To become a successful Web Designer, knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript, Photoshop, DreamWeaver, Responsive web design using Bootstrap ,Wordpress, Typography, etc are required. These are also covered in almost all the courses related to Web designing courses including certificate in web designing, diploma in web designing, undergraduate and postgraduate web designing courses. RMS Websoft is also famous as best digital marketing institute in Meerut and you also can check our digital marketing course content.

RMS WebSoft offer Professional Web Designing Course with latest technologies HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Responsive Web Designing. Read the entire web designing course syllabus.

About Web Designing Course

Web Designing courses comprise the field of Computer Science and IT, which helps the students to learn various tools and techniques for maintaining web pages. There are various courses in web designing courses such as certificate courses, diploma courses, and UG and PG courses.

Web designers work very closely with the SEO specialist, marketing team, content writer, and other experts to improve the graphics, and user interface of the website and find a way to improve session timing and bounce rate of the websites.

Web Designing Course means a part of the Computer Science and IT field. It teaches students how to create and maintain web pages using various techniques, tools, and programming languages. There are numerous courses available in this field, ranging from certificate and diploma programs to UG, PG, and PGDM programs.

Web Designing Course Syllabus

The web designing course syllabus can broadly be classified into concepts of web designing, programming languages, tools, and software that are used for designing web pages. Web designing course syllabus may vary depending on various factors such as course level, duration, providers, etc. The list of topics that come under every web designing course syllabus are:

Basics of Web Designing Responisve Web Designing
Web Technologies Photoshop
Designing Images UI/UX Idea
JavaScript / Jquery Bootstrap
Adobe Dreamweaver WordPress
Digital Marketing Course Digital Marketing Institute in Meerut

Introduction to Web Technologies

o Introduction to Web Technologies
o Careers in Web Technologies and
Job Roles
o How the Website Works?
o Client and Server Scripting
o Domains and Hosting
o Responsive Web Designing
o Types of Websites (Static and Dynamic
o Web Standards and W3C recommendations

Adobe Photoshop

o Introduction of Stock Photography
o Types of Image Graphics
o Introduction to Adobe Photoshop
o Interface Tour of Photoshop
o Color Modes
o Resolution and Presets
o Move Tool
o Marque Tool
o Lasso Tool
o Quick Selection, Magic Wand
o Crop, Slicing Tool
o Healing Brush, Patch Tool
o Brush Tool

o Pattern Stamp, Clone Stamp
o Gradient Tool
o Blur and Exposure Toolo Pen Tool, Shape Tool
o Text Tool
o Other Photoshop Tools
o Layers, Groups and Smart Object
o Blending Options
o Filter Effects
o Client requirement analysis
o Realtime Website Layout Design
o Practical Task in Layout Design
o History Brush
o Eraser Tool

HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.1
o What is Markup Language
o Basic Structure of HTML
o Difference Between HTML and

o Head Section and Elements of Head
o Meta Tags
o Css Tags
o Script Tag
o Table Tag
o Div Tag
o Header Tags
o Paragraph, Span, Pre Tags
o Anchor Links and Named Anchors
o Image Tag
o Object Tag
o Iframe Tag

o Forms
o Form Tag
o Attributes of Form
o POST and GET Method
o Fieldset and Legend
o Text input, Text area
o Checkbox and Radio Button
o Dropdown, List and Optgroup
o File Upload and Hidden Fields
o Submit, Image, Normal, Reset Button
o Creating a Live Website Form
o HTML Validators

Adobe Dreamweaver

o Introduction to Adobe Dreamweaver
o Dreamweaver Interface Basics
o Defining a Dreamweaver site
o Insert Toolbar
o Common Tools
o Layout Tools
o Forms Tool
o Spry Tools

o Properties Panel
o Using Snippets panel
o Dreamweaver extensions
o Template Design in DW
o Editable and Non-Editable Regions
o Defining the DWT for project.
o Creating sub pages for project

CSS 2.1

o Introduction to Cascading Style
o Types of CSS
o CSS Selectors
o Universal Selector
o ID Selector
o Tag Selector
o Class Selector
o Sub Selector
o Child Combinatory Selector
o Adjacent Sibling Selector
o Attribute Selector
o Group selector
o First-line and First-letter selector

o Before and After Selector
o CSS Properties
o Type Properties
o Background Properties
o Block Properties
o Box Properties
o List Properties
o Border Properties
o Positioning Propeties
o Realtime Implementation
o Converstion of Table to CSS Layout
o CSS Menu Design (Horizontal, Vertical)
o Form Designing


o Introduction to HTML5
o Features of HTML5
o HTML5 DocType
o New Structure Tags
o Section
o Nav
o Article
o Aside
o Header
o Footer
o New Media Tags
o Audio Tag
o Video Tag
o Designing a HTML Structure of Page

o Canvas and Svg Tag
o Introduction to HTML5 Forms
o New Attributes
o Placeholder Attribute
o Require Attribute
o Pattern Attribute
o Autofocus Attribute
o email , tel, url types
o number type
o date type
o range type
o voice search
o Examples of Form


o Introduction to CSS 3
o New CSS 3 Selectors
o Attribute Selectors
o First-of-type
o Last-of-type
o Nth-child
o Element:empty
o New CSS3 Properties
o Custom Fonts
o Text-Shadow Property
o Text-Stroke Property

o Rounded Corners
o Box Shadows
o CSS Gradients
o CSS Multiple backgrounds
o Opacity Property
o Transition effect
o Transform effect
o Animation effects
o Css Media Queries
o Using CSS3 in Practical Layout

Responsive Web Design with Bootstrap

o Introduction to Responsive Design
o Mobile first design concepts
o Common device dimensions
o View-port tag
o Using css media queries
o Menu conversion script
o Basic Custom Layout
o Introduction to Bootstrap
o Installation of Bootstrap
o Grid System
o Forms
o Buttons
o Icons Integration
o Using CSS3 in Practical Layout

Java Script

o Introduction to Client Side Scripting
o Introduction to Java Script
o Javascript Types
o Variables in JS
o Operators in JS
o Conditions Statements
o Java Script Loops
o JS Popup Boxes
o JS Events
o JS Arrays
o Working with Arrays
o JS Objects
o JS Functions
o Using Java Script in Realtime
o Validation of Forms
o Related Examples

Web Hosting and Domain Registration
o Web Hosting Basics
o Types of Hosting Packages
o Registering domains
o Defining Name Servers
o Using Control Panel
o Creating Emails in Cpanel
o Using FTP Client
o Maintaining a Website